Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
in 2D!
Published on July 24, 2007 By lordkosc In Everything Else
Anyone planning on seeing this ? It looks EPIC !

Movie Link

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 30, 2007
It may have been shorter than we wanted it to be, but it was still good none the less.
on Jul 30, 2007
I was abit dissapointed, because i thought something else would happen instead. Cant explain it unless revealing something, so i dont
Anyway it was a good one, i enjoyed every min
on Jul 30, 2007
Your right Multianna, at the end it leaves you with a sense of "is that really it", don't get me wrong the movie is funny.
on Jul 30, 2007
oh man we need a spoiler option
on Jul 30, 2007
I found a quote that fits me.

Soldier: "Sir, you've gone mad with power!!!"
EPA Director: "Ofcourse I have. Have you ever tried being mad without power? It is very boring no one listens to you."

Story of my life, I mean that is before I got power.

Now about your sporks Kosc, you arent thinking big enough, not just autonamted sporks, GIANT AUTONAMTED SPORKS!!!!

Just think of the terror they will instill by being so huge and spork like.

And I have just the facilities, resources, and manpower to produce these giant sporks.


Well my opinion of the movie was that it was good, funny, nicely animated and written. Sure it was kind of dissapointing but in the words of Homer, "I cant believe anyone would pay money to see something they could be watching on TV." It was only supposed to be a movie, the TV show still remains the main attraction. Plus who knows they made over 70 million opening weekend and because they only projected earning 40 million they may soon plan to make another one.
on Jul 31, 2007
i to thought it was a bit too short, but it was still quality, and very funny.
i mean, how many different ways can they do the falling off the roof gag  
on Jul 31, 2007
While watching Homer fall off the roof is funny, the best Roof faller of all time was Alphonse Hercules Bundy... Nothing beat his girly scream for help every time he would plummet off the roof.
on Jul 31, 2007
can we PLEASE get back on topic here....whats all this horrid movie-talk

*The highly trained ninja chickens easily dodge the chicken defence mechanism and storm the control room*

on Jul 31, 2007
tooo find the control room empty....

with only a post-it note on the wall , that says :

"mmmwhahaha" ~ lordkosc

on Jul 31, 2007
*The combat ninja chickens look around,confused. BWAAAAAAARK!!!! They then proceed to the SPORK manufacuring system*
on Jul 31, 2007
can a mod delete tis or someone tell me how? damned multi post...

on Jul 31, 2007
So I looks like you dont want GIANT sporks then Kosc... fine, if you get the designs Arretu you can have the best production facilities that the Imperial side of this universe can offer
on Jul 31, 2007
// lordkosc hides the plans for the MEGA spork... and then vanishes.....
on Aug 01, 2007
Theres not one place in this or any other dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, country, city, town, village, house, or any atomic or sub atomic particle that you could go to and that I wouldnt have storm troopers already there to arest you.

I am the Emperor, and I am everywhere, get used to it
on Aug 01, 2007

Theres not one place in this or any other dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, country, city, town, village, house, or any atomic or sub atomic particle that you could go to and that I wouldnt have storm troopers already there to arest you.

I am the Emperor, and I am everywhere, get used to it

I bet you didn't know you had gum on the bottom of your chair... Mwhahahaaa
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