Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Just amazing.......
Published on September 4, 2007 By lordkosc In
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Bioshock Sequel? Sweet.....

I think it would be cool to be a prequel, where you work for either Fontaine or Ryan, and get to see the Rapture before it got the crap beat out of it...
Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 06, 2007

Well... that sounds very nice and everything but when was the last time you ate meat? Are you prepared to pay 200 dollars for a pound of meat that only comes from animals that died of natural causes? Old animals... animals that were sick?

I'm not saying food animals don't die. I'm saying that I don't kill them to no purpose beyond spite.

He didn't burn the forest to spite the trees. He burned it to keep it from being stolen.

Huge difference.

Yup, and I do respect him. Just really dislike.

So long as you understand he had a right to rapture... being it's creator etc we're on the same page.

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