Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on January 22, 2008 By lordkosc In Everything Else

TMZ has learned that 2006 Academy Award nominee Heath Ledger has died in NY.

He was found dead in his bed in one of his residences in Soho by his housekeeper at 3:35 PM ET today. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they believe it was not a crime, adding that prescription pills were found near his body.

According to NYPD a masseuse arrived at Ledger's apartment and was let in by a housekeeper. When Ledger didn't answer his bedroom door, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened it and found him unconscious. They attempted to wake him; when they couldn't, they called 911.

We're told when paramedics responded, the actor was in full cardiac arrest. They attempted to perform CPR on him, but were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

sad... (
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 22, 2008
farewell lone rider...

wonder if it was suicide or OD?
on Jan 22, 2008
Don't jump to a conclusion. It could have been a reaction to medication. I don't know if he was so depressed as to kill himself. He loved his daughter and he was a very successful actor.
on Jan 22, 2008
there arent any conclusions to jump to, you dont just spontaneously develop an alergy to longtime medication.
on Jan 22, 2008

there arent any conclusions to jump to, you dont just spontaneously develop an alergy to longtime medication.

A) what evidence do you have as to it being a longtime prescription

noone said anything about an allergic reaction (and yes, you can develop alergys over time, though generally it takes a while -- take bananas and latex, the more you eat bananas or are exposed to latex, the more allergic you are to latex and bananas -- which can make some former banana lovers really unhappy come prostate exam time).

C) many medications -- I happen to be on one of them -- have an ongoing chance for a reaction, even months or years after you start taking them. Said reactions can be fatal if you don't catch them, and get immediate medical help.
on Jan 22, 2008
Depression can often set in at random.
And sever depression may have many unknown causes and influences, some even from repressed memories.

So in the end, he could've been severly depressed from the past not the present.
on Jan 22, 2008
A) what evidence do you have as to it being a longtime prescription

its implied the bottle was near empty.
noone said anything about an allergic reaction

well theres really only one way to have a reaction to medication, when your defense systems go haywire.

all and all its just not logical to think it would be a reaction to medication, a smart person does not look at stars and think "MY GOD GLOWING SPACE RABBITS!"
Depression can often set in at random.


or it could be that, like most people in pop culture, he used drugs.
on Jan 22, 2008
or it could be that, like most people in pop culture, he used drugs.

Thats a gross overexageration.
on Jan 22, 2008
oh please, dont start.
on Jan 22, 2008
I will start.

Where is your proof?

And besides, it said medicine bottle. Plus, they would've found traces of drugs in his system.

Not to mention the fact that its not pop culture. Its just culture, many more normal American's do drugs or have tried them, then any of the media. Most of the media has an image to keep. Plus, whenever anyone is uncovered as a drug addict or a druggie they are chastised by society, and that doesn't help anyons career.

So go be brainwashed somewher else.
on Jan 22, 2008

well theres really only one way to have a reaction to medication, when your defense systems go haywire.

Um, wrong. There are other reactions. I don't feel like digging out the paperwork on my meds, but it wasn't an allergic (AKA immune) issue.

Also, you could have a "reaction" to meds in the sense of liver / kidney failure, which clearly isn't an allergic reaction, and can be very, very deadly if left untreated. (Probably not fast enough to fit this case, but you get my point, right?)
on Jan 22, 2008
Where is your proof?

when the police say "they suspect overdose" you usually dont think of half a tylanol.
as for proof, dont expect any. this is the internet.
And besides, it said medicine bottle

you have never heard of the "parent's bathroom high"? you need to watch more law and order.
there are plenty of perscription drugs that make one go soaring through the clouds, I dont doubt an adult (let alone a famous actor) has a hard time getting their hands on it.

besides, many of those drugs are even more dangerous than heroin and cocaine, thats of course assuming that these arent drugs hidden as pills.
Um, wrong. There are other reactions. I don't feel like digging out the paperwork on my meds, but it wasn't an allergic (AKA immune) issue.

ok Ron, let me make some intro-to-biological engineering things clear for you:
drugs act in two ways, they either support the body's immune system, or they hijack the body. When you have a reaction to a dose of medicine it is either because
1) you had a high dose
IF: high dose
THEN: overdose
OR: suicide

2) you had a low dose
IF: low dose
THEN: body reacted to it
THEN: it was an allergic response

there are no other explanations for any medication that has been had for more than a couple days, site the fact that it was obviously not a full bottle of medicine.

ah note: sleeping pills! infamous for their addictive and safe nature. seriously doubt he had an allergic reaction to melatonin, a natural neurotransmitter. if he did he was fucked anyway.
Also, you could have a "reaction" to meds in the sense of liver / kidney failure, which clearly isn't an allergic reaction

Ron, if your liver or kidney fails it means two things:
poisoning, your liver and kidney overdosed on something (gasp, look at that word again!)
allergic reaction, your liver and kidney are INTEGRAL to your immune system, its where everything goes to get swept away.

god, I knew this thing in elementary school, this isnt a difficult concept.

in any case his condition was described as "full cardiac arrest" again its the bloodstream thats at stake here, implies overdose or allergic reaction.

I'm not saying its absolute, but occam's razor these are the most likely. this isnt some over-the-internet show of house. in fact, occam's razor doesnt really apply because I'm making the case for the most general argument, you guys are making the case for an extremely unlikely and specific case (that half way through his 7 course seafood meal, his body decided to become allergic to clam chowder)
on Jan 22, 2008
when the police say "they suspect overdose" you usually dont think of half a tylanol.

True... but I didn't see that. Just the blurb, no linkie, and no further research. (Ooops, just noticed there was a webaddress I didn't bother on.

And Schod, whatever you might think, there are reactions that can occur after months of using meds, even if you take them properly (no over or under dosing ). They're (relatively) rare, but they do happen. And while the ones I know of don't involve full cardiac arrest, I'm not an MD. And the fact that there are any, implies that there can be others.
on Jan 23, 2008
so because there are some gay chickens out there, this chicken is probably gay?

Ron theres also the possibility that the KGB hired a chinese femme fatal ninja to assassinate him using an untraceable poison dipped in honey syrup, but that doesnt make me think that its the logical explanation.
on Jan 23, 2008
people can slowly develop immunities to meds they are taking, this has happened to me as well, and you have to up the dose. Generally doctors wont let you go beyond the safe limit, but if you are sitting there in pain, you dont always think about what is good for you. Heck, i have a sleeping med that if i took four of them, i might not ever wake up again
on Jan 23, 2008
you would be missed eet
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