Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
One thread to hold them all!
Published on February 3, 2008 By lordkosc In Sins of a Solar Empire

Ok , after the 20 or so preview threads that were all over the darn place, I am making a single location where we can post all the reviews of the game for easy reference.

So once you find a review, post it in the following format:

I hope this will be made sticky by someone from SD.




Editor's Choice



WWW Link


Editor's Choice


Games for Windows


Editor's Choice


G4 X-Play

WWW Link




WWW Link


Editors' Choice



WWW Link

8.5/10 Good



WWW Link

4.5/5 GREAT!

Multiplayer Factor - Great!


Game Informer Magazine

WWW Link



Gamer 2.0

WWW Link



Game Shark

WWW Link

A- Great


Game Squad

WWW Link

9/10 GREAT!


Resonance Gaming

WWW Link

9/10 GREAT!


Game Tap

WWW Link

9/10 Get It!

Out of Eight

WWW Link

8/8 GREAT!

Game Daily

WWW Link

8.0 GOOD


Shack News

WWW Link

# Patience-demanding strategy
# Endless possibility of scenarios
# Pew-pew lasers

# No single-player campaign
# Steep learning curve



WWW Link



Game Almighty

WWW Link




WWW Link



Gaming Steve

WWW Link




WWW Link

8.5/10 Good


Sarcastic Gamer

WWW Link

9/10 Great


Dual Analog

WWW Link

9/10 Great



WWW Link



Game Valor

WWW Link



SyndicateX Gaming Portal

WWW Link



Cheat Code Central

WWW Link




WWW Link




WWW Link



Sci Fi

WWW Link



Firing Squad

WWW Link


Editor's Choice


Gaming Nexus

WWW Link



Computer Games

WWW Link


Silver Award



WWW Link


Gamers Choice Gold Award



WWW Link


Editor's Choice Award



WWW Link


///// UPDATED LIST as of 7/14/08

Comments (Page 4)
17 PagesFirst 2 3 4 5 6  Last
on Feb 07, 2008
i hate it when reviewers categorize a "steep learning curve" as a negative aspect of a game.
on Feb 07, 2008

i hate it when reviewers categorize a "steep learning curve" as a negative aspect of a game.

ya as if everyone would only like to play games which can even be played by a 5 year old.
Its especially funny cause reviewers always complain about a lack of deepth and innovative ideas and then they make such comments when they get those.
on Feb 07, 2008
GameStats: 8.8

on Feb 07, 2008

GameStats: 8.8


That's just aggregated press scores like gamerankings or metacritic, but combined with user votes (not a great idea).
on Feb 07, 2008

Beyond a certain zoom range I don`t see attack effects (i.e. beams, missiles, etc,) and I think I should - I am quite close to the ships at the zoom level I am thinking of - but that is my only real complaint at this point.

Try manually increasing the particle fx count in your user.setting file.

XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting\

Vista: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting\

Open user.setting using Notepad (don't use Wordpad or Word) and modify MaxParticleCount 6000  to something higher (try 8000).

on Feb 07, 2008
In the latest GFW Radio Podcast (the podcast from the editors of Games for Windows Magazine) they discuss Sins for about 20 min. It's more of a discussion of first impressions of the final version than a review but it's interesting and very positive.

Link: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3148397

on Feb 07, 2008
on Feb 07, 2008

Here is the link to where they gave it a score:

on Feb 07, 2008
i must say im really enjoying it so far and im sure its only going to get better with time.

Thanks for the good work
on Feb 07, 2008
Here's another review I found.


They gave it a B+
on Feb 08, 2008

i hate it when reviewers categorize a "steep learning curve" as a negative aspect of a game.

ya as if everyone would only like to play games which can even be played by a 5 year old.
Its especially funny cause reviewers always complain about a lack of deepth and innovative ideas and then they make such comments when they get those.

totally. otherwise it was a good review.

on Feb 08, 2008


on Feb 08, 2008
i predict gamespot to give this game an 8.0 or below.

they wont give it anything higher because of the lack of advertising money and advertising pressure. look at how they have a new c&c or tiberium preview every other week.

we've seen like one spotlight on this game and it was up for two days max, like 4 months ago. let's see what happens.
on Feb 08, 2008
that columbus alive review is weak as f***. "whine..whine...no campaign...not a "edge of the seat experience". GTFO.

I havent even finished my 3rd game yet (~15hrs play so far), havent seen multiplayer, havent seen hard AI, and i already had more "oh crap"-moments, and, on the other hand, glorious moments than in a year of World of Warcraft.
I slept about 6 hours the last 2 nights combined, and both nights i got surprised real bad when i first looked at my watch after hours of playing. Damn, 1.30 AM? Ok, just this one battle! Needless to say it wasnt just one. And then, around 3 AM, when i finally turned off the computer, i dont even know if it was the voice of reason that made me, or the fact that i started making mistakes in Sins, because thinking about how i should sleep instead of focussing on the game.

And during that time the game had me one the edge of my seat, chewing my nails, often enough for me to really enjoy the short periods where i could just sit back, zoom in and out of my empire, and think about the big picture. For gods sake, i had a battle against a fleet 3 times as large as mine (and i had about 120 ships, 8 caps) which lasted close to an hour, and i had to warp my cap ships out for repairs and back to the battle the whole time. It was one of the most amazing things i´ve ever seen in a strategy game.

I could now go on about everything that is great in this game, but i wont. Some games just have that special something that makes you wanna play on and on. Master of Orion had it, Diablo II had it, and from what i can tell, Sins of a solar empire has it too.
I guess the fact that the feature is miss most at the moment is some sort of highscore list, something i usually dont care too much about, tells you how much i like what Stardock did here.

And speaking of that, seeing how they treated Galactic Civilizations II and how that game developed since its initial release, i find it hard to see anything but a great future for Sins.

So, congrats to all involved in making this, i hope you get the reviews and the numbers this deserves.

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