Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on January 7, 2007 By lordkosc In Everything Else
Anyone ever play this? The in game graphics are good for a 2 year old game! I never even heard about this game until I saw a post on these forums about how awesome the ship explosions were, and indeed they are awesome! Its a little like Homeworld, but with more micro...

I always say the more space games the better!

Found it over at EB games in the OLD section for $9.99

It should hold me over until the SOASE beta is out in February..... Please please please release the Beta in February. !

on Jan 07, 2007
Yeah, I've been looking for it for ages, its something of a rarity over here, I may have to import from America...it definitely looks like a good game, there's just no justice when good games don't sell.
on Jan 07, 2007
yeah I agree, I didn't even know it existed, must have had an EXCELLENT marketing campaign... ah well nothing better than getting a game for 10 bucks, lol...
on Jan 07, 2007
I LOVE the game, just sad,nobody plays MP anymore
oh and it was modded with Babylon 5 Mod Trailer
on Jan 07, 2007
oooh nice, I saw it had a mod option right at the menu screen! now that is mighty fine!
on Jan 07, 2007
Nexus just a had steep learning curve but Nexus is a great RTT game.I am hoping the space battles in Sins have a similar pacing and tactical importance.
on Jan 07, 2007
The space battles have option to how much you want them to be tactical. If you wish you can actually tell the ship where to move in 3D space, kind of like HW2, or if you have other matters let the AI decide the best way to do things.
on Jan 08, 2007
Sure sure, but ships in Nexus really perform beautifully. The space dance is incredible to look at, but I admit it would be weird (and recklessly dangerous) with large fleets. For small battles it was great. Sometimes I simply sit and watch.

But I rather have the extra empire building with slightly simplified ship behaviour than battles only again. Oh and this "simplified" behaviour may not even be so simplified in Sins with all the optimal firing position seeking. We may get something quite similar...
on Jan 08, 2007
For me, Nexus has the best ship to ship battle, i mean choosing what type of reactor you use, which guns are you using etc, was great. But the game lack a building part, it was a long(26) series of link missions, but no building just a configuration for your ships before a mission.

maybe sins will do both thing great
on Jan 08, 2007
Big fan of the game here. Honestly it should have sold better. It is one of the few games I played through to the end.
on Jan 08, 2007
Big fan of the game here. Honestly it should have sold better. It is one of the few games I played through to the end.

Big reason for it not selling was lack of promotion, I asked my friends if any of them heard of it and none had....

on Jan 08, 2007
indeed.....i only heard about it back in the day cause i saw it in walmart a few times....looked at the case and didnt see anything astoundingly interesting to me. tried the demo though and liked it