Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on January 8, 2007 By lordkosc In Sins of a Solar Empire
Will SOASE support wide screen monitors?

I have a Dell 2007FPW @ 1680x1050 , and it gets me hot and bothered (in a bad way) when I get a new game and this resolution isn't supported...

New games like these don't support it, and it SUCKS!
Rainbow 6 Vegas
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Madden 07
Tiger Woods 07

This resolution has been a standard in gaming since 2005 and should be supported in ALL games! Widescreen gaming is where its at! Ok I will calm down now.... *breathes*

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 08, 2007
i too use widescreen (1280x720...could go larger...but its my default resolution for the moment) and prefer not to have my images stretched (no one likes to be playing a game with a hot chick in it and when viewed on your screen at the wrong resolution looks like someone who had too many twinkies)
on Jan 08, 2007
ahh, and because of the crap support one should simply stick to square monitors (4:3)
on Jan 08, 2007
ahh, and because of the crap support one should simply stick to square monitors (4:3)

have you ever used a wide screen? you would never go back to 4:3!
on Jan 08, 2007
I've played Sins on my widescreen laptop (1920x1200) and it runs/plays fine.
on Jan 08, 2007
I've played Sins on my widescreen laptop (1920x1200) and it runs/plays fine.

so the game supports widescreen ? or did it down scale it to a 4:3 resolution?
on Jan 09, 2007
Ditto on lordkosc's question. I'm also wondering what the maximum supported resolution will be, and what other graphical bells and whistles will be available.

It's one of the features I really, really like from galciv2. You change one setting and everything will switch to the correct resoultion including, ui and text. Galciv 2 at 2560*1600 is absolute bliss.
on Jan 09, 2007

so the game supports widescreen ? or did it down scale it to a 4:3 resolution?

It supports widescreen so far as I can tell. It doesn't do any weird 4:3 scaling.

on Feb 11, 2008
A reply from a official SoSE (sins of a Solar Empire) tech would be nice ...

I am also having this problem (i used 1280x720 res)

the closest thing to my res is 1280x768 (this is close but it still not right... for some reason i am having the problems that i have when playing widescreen movies on a wide screen tv (we all know what this is.. and how annoying it is...[for those without common knowledge... this is where you get the black bars at the top and bottom of the movie)
on Feb 11, 2008
I can't really offer any technical support but for what it's worth I can run the game successfully at 1680X1050 on my dell LCD.

on Feb 11, 2008
In response to the OP: I'm playing at 1680x1050 with no problems on my 2208WFP Dell monitor. In fact, I was playing Sins with 2001FP @ on friday and as soon as I plugged in the 2208WFP, the higher resolutions appeared in sins.
on Feb 11, 2008
It lets me set it for 1440X900 which is my monitor's native resolution
on Feb 11, 2008
It support any resoultion as far as I know and I tried it on everyone one up to the 5MP level.
on Feb 11, 2008
Yep. I run it at 1920x1200 and it looks fine. But what do you mean? That your resolution isn't selectable, or that it looks weird?
Because if it doesn't come up in your video configuration menu you can change it manually in your config file.

Go to:
Documents and Settings\"your user name"\Local settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting and open user.setting
There you have:

Change these to your resolution.

The file is in another place if you use Vista though. And you have to enable "show hidden files" Under Tools/Folder options to see the files.

This by the way, must actually be one of the weirdest places ever to place gameconfig and save files. I wonder who on the Games For Windows team hated the world so much they decided on this.
I mean not only is it not in the game folder or the my documents folder, its even beneath a hidden folder!

on Apr 21, 2009

OK, I have found the appropriate archive. How do I open "user.setting"? It's obviously not a .doc file...

on Apr 21, 2009

Sins plays very well for me at 1680 x 1050.

So does Rainbow 6 Vegas.

So does Call of Duty 4.

Splinter Cell Double Agent i haven't played so i'm not sure.

And Madden 07, Tiger Woods 07, and all of the other retarded sports games don't matter, as they suck and should all be on consoles anyway

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