Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on January 13, 2007 By lordkosc In
Sword of the Stars @ Gamespot

This game reminds me in some aspects of what SOASE might be like, but SOASE will be a lot better in its implementation and the fact that it is in REAL TIME! I HATE turn based games, as I have come to find out....

SOTS was an ok game, I played it for about 2 months , but it got tedious as the methods of space travel took forever, and the galaxy map was 3D and almost impossible to manage once your empire grew past 9-10 planets. Also , I much prefer the way SOASE uses the left side navigation bar to control your empire.

Ok so anyone ever play this? Thoughts/Feelings?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 13, 2007
I played the demo and disliked what I saw.The game just seemed lightweight in all areas and the 3D starmap was dreadful.I actually think turnbased is much more suited to empire building games.I'm willing to bet a lot was sacrificed in Sins just so the devs could call it a trendy real time game.
on Jan 13, 2007
Seen it, played it, hated it. Too cartoony for my taste. And I never thought a game could be too simplistic (combat) and too complicated (Empire management) at the same time, bad bad bad bad bad.

I'm willing to bet a lot was sacrificed in Sins just so the devs could call it a trendy real time game.

Yeah but the things sacrificed would've probably rendered the game unplayable if they were left in, there is a such thing as too much depth in an RTS, the last thing you want is to have to juggle a stockmarket crash, war and governmental elections in real time!

on Jan 13, 2007
i actually found SOTS to addictive, but once i stopped playing i was done.
on Jan 13, 2007
i actually found SOTS to addictive, but once i stopped playing i was done.

I did too at first, then the bad stuff came to the surface, the space battles took forever, and you couldn't end them early, and..... that 3d map as mentioned above was horrible. I also disliked having to upgrade my ships each time new guns were researched... Common sense... If I just researched new guns, I want all my ships to have the new better guns!
on Jan 13, 2007
Yep did pay it too, but it just got boring. It didnt have this "i gotta play every day" kind of game.

But the absolutely best thing about it, is the roleplaying part in multiplayer
on Jan 13, 2007
Played the demo and hated it.

And I don't see the similarity between it and Sins that you mentioned. They have nothing in common except that they are both set in space.
on Jan 13, 2007
I think its a lesser version of Gal Civ 2 so i avoid it.
on Jan 13, 2007
wohoo! hate threads!
on Jan 13, 2007
I dont hate it. Buts if you have gal civ the two just dont compare, ones better than the other.
on Jan 14, 2007
i dont hate it either, but you had to have a lot of patience.
on Jan 18, 2007
The game was just an absolute damn shame, it had a lot of potential with the changing tech trees, random events, and the game's lore. Yet, tragically was greatly plagued by ill-conceived interfaces, battles and empire management that were both shallow and sloppy, and built-in limitations that utterly wrecked the game.

After a few weeks, I couldn't endure playing the game anymore, and has been collecting dust ever since.
on Jan 18, 2007
I actually liked it and still play often. You cant compare it to galciv because they are so very different. The combat is not as shallow as it at first seems. It can actually get pretty deep the farther up the tech tree you get. If you have just played the demo then you are getting less than half the game. SOTS and GalCiv pefectly coexist on my hard drive. Although they will probably both be replaced by Sins  
on Jan 18, 2007
As you are saying, your still playing. Then you might know if there has been any patch to correct the lag or "slowdown" in large battles?
on Jan 18, 2007
I couldn't endure playing the game anymore, and has been collecting dust ever since.

you can ship it to me
on Jan 19, 2007
I wouldn't want to endure further financial burdens due to that game, which would happen if I were to ship it to someone else. In any case, if they continue their pace of releasing patches for the game, it might be up to my standard by the end of this year.

Also, to this day it has baffled me how they managed to bring about such late-game performance issues in both the tactical combat and strategic empire level (mainly AI), when so very-little was going on. If they managed to properly fix most of those glaring performance problems, it might be a bit more tolerable.
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