Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on January 13, 2007 By lordkosc In
Sword of the Stars @ Gamespot

This game reminds me in some aspects of what SOASE might be like, but SOASE will be a lot better in its implementation and the fact that it is in REAL TIME! I HATE turn based games, as I have come to find out....

SOTS was an ok game, I played it for about 2 months , but it got tedious as the methods of space travel took forever, and the galaxy map was 3D and almost impossible to manage once your empire grew past 9-10 planets. Also , I much prefer the way SOASE uses the left side navigation bar to control your empire.

Ok so anyone ever play this? Thoughts/Feelings?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 19, 2007
I like the game. Especially since it works very well on my crappy computer. It lacks the strategy content but is a great game overall.

Soon my review should be published at Strategy Core (better late than never). We're also hoping to review Sins, of which I must remind the SC staff again...
on Jan 19, 2007
The map implimentation is just horrible, I still can't get over who would have approved it... Also it would have been nice to see distances between planets without having to click between them...
on Jan 19, 2007
The map implimentation is just horrible, I still can't get over who would have approved it... Also it would have been nice to see distances between planets without having to click between them...

Interesting. I find the map hugely cool. The best 3D map ever. And I reall wouldn't want to have a galaxy of numbers all over the screen. How do you envision a display of the distances between each star and each other star? The system SotS uses is the best possible compromise if you want to have a fully 3D map.

The usual mistake people make is creating a galaxy of 200 stars in a spherical shape, than complain how confusing it is and how long the game is... A prefered number is more like 30.
on Jan 19, 2007
The usual mistake people make is creating a galaxy of 200 stars in a spherical shape, than complain how confusing it is and how long the game is... A prefered number is more like 30.

thats what happened in SOTS... it was one big ball shaped mess...
on Jan 29, 2007
To be honest, the galactic map was just a horrible mess, it didn't provide the necessary-quality of tools to easily-manage and easily-discern between enemy, ally, and your territories and fleets (more noticeable in larger games). A player shouldn't be told he is making a mistake for picking a provided option of a large galactic scale, when it was the developer's mistakes for poorly executing and polishing it (like other areas of the game).

Note: I could have come up with better galaxy and empire management interfaces, but, not going to spend several weeks of my little spare time to write documentation, illustrations, and so on for free (especially for a discussion for an already released title).
on Jan 29, 2007
I didn't hate it, but it's a damn shame they didn't make it a lot better.

== There's far to little you can do with your planets.
== The galactic map is a mess. Path's make no sense and it's near impossible to get your barings, 2d would have been much better.
== battle are to small, you can only command 3 battleships and a pair of, near useless, destroyers at the same time and only after quite a significant ammount of research AND a command ship.
== strategic map makeup is very unbalanced. It's not uncommon to have only few colonisable planets your you, while the enemy can have dozens.
== defences are far to strong. One medium defence station can take 3 cruisers, while being cheaper both in initial construction AND maintenance. *
== Realtime battles are to slow, and you barely have controll over your ships.
== Massive rush for the big ships, juggernaut issues
== can't overhaul your ships, you need to scrap them and build new ones
== no veterancy, who cares about preserving your ships, or transporting them. Scrapping them and building new ones is often faster.

* You can usually build three or four when a fleet is spotted. It's unlikely an enemy can blow them all with in a set time, so the battle is a draw. after the draw, build three more and the planets is untakeable. Without any battletimer, the inability to send in more then a handfull of ships makes overwhelming the defences impossible.

Good stuff

== Lots of random event
== great variety between species, even startravel is different
== designing ships is very good, i love making my own designs.
== Lan play is fun

on Jan 30, 2007
I am finding SoTS an excellent game.

Of course there could have been improvements, but I am enjoying it.

I do like the 3D starmap actually. I do agree that it is challenging to use, but I enjoy it. I would like it more if stars were aranged into systems, and maybe even have multi-galaxy something like Hegemonia, but that's far too complex.

I do agree the RT space battle component could be better, and also there are some glaring interface control issues. The update offered improvement. At this point, each turn is a repeated process of going through the Events, and then looking at the Fleet tab sorted by ETA, and then by ship name (where I use different number of repeated A in the begining of name to sort by my priority.) Naming has helped a lot when I have to return to playing after a long time between play.

I think the addictive aspect of SoTS comes from the way you send out ships to explore, and hope you can find some good planets. Reaching your arms out slowly to connect the maps is very fun. The research tree is fun too. I love how it is like a little 3D VR room, though it could be seen as clunky. The voices, interface sounds, and the feel of the interface and graphics of the map all appeal to me.

I should have waited to buy the thing too, because the value droped so quicked. I don't think that will happen with SoaSE, however, as it didn't with GalCiv2.

I have yet to try multiplayer, but I don't have a lot of time to play in one sitting. From the sounds of it, it might be worth a test.
on Jan 30, 2007
If that was the "this is why you should get sots" post then I'm really really glad that I didn't.
on Jan 31, 2007
It wasn't.
on Jan 31, 2007
The recent patch cut down on all loadtimes. Multiplayer is the best way to play the game. Honestly I lost interest about a week ago, but when the new patch or expansion comes out I will be all over it    In the mean time I have turned my attention back to GalCiv2. That game just keeps unfolding into more and more greatness. I cant wait for Dark Avatar. 
on Feb 21, 2007
all i can say is that it is a game with loud irritating noises in battles that are not nearly as big as they should be
on Mar 03, 2007
on Mar 03, 2007
That guy who reviewed sots realy loves his space games
on Mar 03, 2007
I guess that is a nice way of putting it.
on Mar 03, 2007
That was a very weird review.
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