Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
seeing this made me think of the Sins backgrounds!
Published on April 14, 2007 By lordkosc In Everything Else
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on Apr 14, 2007
soo pretty
somehow it reminds me of the gas cloud you could harvest in the first homeworld
on Apr 15, 2007
You know that it doesnt really look like that.

on Apr 15, 2007
You know that it doesnt really look like that.

Does it matter?
on Apr 15, 2007
Yes, space isnt that buetiful.

Its dark and mostly empty.
on Apr 15, 2007
im sure if your inside some gas cloude, there will be colors. Because of the light reflects.

But if you look at space in general, it really depends on how you look at it. I think space looks beautiful.
And if we are ever going to travel between stars, and we cant find a faster way of travel. We will be sleeping to our destination.

on Apr 16, 2007
You know that it doesnt really look like that.

Yea, it's really more of a blue haze. That image is false-color taken in infrared.

Still, pretty picture.
on Apr 16, 2007
Yea, it's really more of a blue haze. That image is false-color taken in infrared.

Still, pretty picture.

I find it dark, empty and depressing.

Sort of like Schem's heart...