Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
Published on November 17, 2007 By lordkosc In Everything Else
Has anyone been following this? Looks interesting



on Nov 17, 2007
on Nov 17, 2007
Hey, I remember the trailer with the head flying by! I think that poster is cool!

Have they said what the monster is yet?

Umm what does that second site have to do with anything?
on Nov 17, 2007
Heres a youtube trailer
on Nov 17, 2007
Oh no, not another big-monster-destroying-NY-movie.
But I am hoping that this one is different than others.

Umm what does that second site have to do with anything?

I agree with Thrawn on this subject.
on Nov 17, 2007

Apparently this has something to do with the movie...
on Nov 17, 2007
Most people have known about this for months and months. The movie was being made secretly, but somehow an unofficial trailer was leaked. They decided to release a trailer, and some random clues on their website.

The 'code-name' for hte movie is CloverField.
on Nov 17, 2007
WARNING! im not sure if its PG-13 or something, but it sounds pretty scary...

New Cloverfield Trailer
on Nov 17, 2007

WARNING! im not sure if its PG-13 or something, but it sounds pretty scary...

New Cloverfield Trailer

on Nov 22, 2007
Did you guys see the Slusho drinks on last weeks episode of Heroes?