Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
One thread to hold them all!
Published on February 3, 2008 By lordkosc In Sins of a Solar Empire

Ok , after the 20 or so preview threads that were all over the darn place, I am making a single location where we can post all the reviews of the game for easy reference.

So once you find a review, post it in the following format:

I hope this will be made sticky by someone from SD.




Editor's Choice



WWW Link


Editor's Choice


Games for Windows


Editor's Choice


G4 X-Play

WWW Link




WWW Link


Editors' Choice



WWW Link

8.5/10 Good



WWW Link

4.5/5 GREAT!

Multiplayer Factor - Great!


Game Informer Magazine

WWW Link



Gamer 2.0

WWW Link



Game Shark

WWW Link

A- Great


Game Squad

WWW Link

9/10 GREAT!


Resonance Gaming

WWW Link

9/10 GREAT!


Game Tap

WWW Link

9/10 Get It!

Out of Eight

WWW Link

8/8 GREAT!

Game Daily

WWW Link

8.0 GOOD


Shack News

WWW Link

# Patience-demanding strategy
# Endless possibility of scenarios
# Pew-pew lasers

# No single-player campaign
# Steep learning curve



WWW Link



Game Almighty

WWW Link




WWW Link



Gaming Steve

WWW Link




WWW Link

8.5/10 Good


Sarcastic Gamer

WWW Link

9/10 Great


Dual Analog

WWW Link

9/10 Great



WWW Link



Game Valor

WWW Link



SyndicateX Gaming Portal

WWW Link



Cheat Code Central

WWW Link




WWW Link




WWW Link



Sci Fi

WWW Link



Firing Squad

WWW Link


Editor's Choice


Gaming Nexus

WWW Link



Computer Games

WWW Link


Silver Award



WWW Link


Gamers Choice Gold Award



WWW Link


Editor's Choice Award



WWW Link


///// UPDATED LIST as of 7/14/08

Comments (Page 10)
17 PagesFirst 8 9 10 11 12  Last
on Feb 13, 2008
I see the Gamespot review up; 9.0 and an Editor's Choice.

on Feb 13, 2008
G4's X-Play gives Sins a 4 out of 5 stars.

on Feb 13, 2008
i was wondering what the devs (and any other people) thought about the main gripe reviewers had with the game: lack of a campaign. most of the reviews i read or watched noted that as the reason for dropping it from 9.5 to 9.0 or 9.0 to 8.5 (i won' even bother mentioning those that gave it a straight 8.0: they are idiots).
i love sins, but i would be interested in being able to download a campaign, or make your own. is this a future possibility, or will we not see this until an xpack or sequel?
on Feb 13, 2008
Ironclad has stated we won't see a campaign until the expansion pack comes out.
on Feb 13, 2008
that's a shame. that will chase some people away from this amazing game.
i think that if there was a single player cammaign, g4 and gamespy would have given it 5/5, and sites like ign and gamespot who haven't covered the final compy yet would really plug this game.

edit: gamespot just posted their review.
9/10 and editor's choice (WOOHOO!!)
on Feb 14, 2008
A 9.0 from Gamespot!? Wow. You guys should be really proud.
on Feb 14, 2008
First, I want to congratulate all the team, for that awesome game, and these praises you're receiving are well earned.
on Feb 14, 2008
  Thanks guys!  We have a few more to go - our fingers are crossed
on Feb 14, 2008
I just found this, and since I did not see it on this thread, I am posting the reference. The OP could integrate it in his own format :

Reviewer : James Allen
Website : Out of Eight PC Game Reviews
DATE : 11 February 2008
SCORE : 8 / 8

Link : Out of Eight
on Feb 14, 2008
Just wanted to express my thanks for making such an amazingly polished product. The gameplay brings alot of fresh idea's to an already conviluded gerne without being overly confusing. Everything in this game feels right and intuitive. Big tumbs up to the development team and publisher!
on Feb 14, 2008
I want to congratulate all the team, for that awesome game, and these praises you're receiving are well earned.

My sentiments exactly.
on Feb 14, 2008

Found another new review today from Gamer 2.0:


9.0 out of 10 plus an Editor's Choice Award

on Feb 14, 2008
confusing retail outlets and their ineptitude when it comes to giving out release dates is why digital downloads are sweet.
on Feb 14, 2008
"(try giving a TEC colonization frigate a few orders to attack – just try it!)."

They can attack!? Really!? *goes to try*
on Feb 14, 2008
"i was wondering what the devs (and any other people) thought about the main gripe reviewers had with the game: lack of a campaign. most of the reviews i read or watched noted that as the reason for dropping it from 9.5 to 9.0 or 9.0 to 8.5 (i won' even bother mentioning those that gave it a straight 8.0: they are idiots).
i love sins, but i would be interested in being able to download a campaign, or make your own. is this a future possibility, or will we not see this until an xpack or sequel?"

I didn't doc the game because of this in my review (see my earlier post) because of this reasoning: for most RTS games I've played, the campaign serves as a tutorial to get you used to the gameplay, units and tech. You don't get to play with all the fun units, buildings and more until the last mission(s) of the game. The storyline has the potential to add a lot to the gameplay but it also can detract from it by interrupting the mission with cutscenes and plot that may not interest the gamer at all.

Sins sets the stage with the intro and a few tutorials. Then, every skirmish is like a campaign that you can tailor. You can build alliances and implement economic, diplomatic or military strategies along the way and explore and expand to your hearts content.

I was somewhat surprised that Sins didn't have a campaign but forgot about it roughly 7.36874 minutes into my first skirmish (roughly). A campaign would be a good thing if it's properly implemented into the game experience but the game is solid without it.
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