Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
One thread to hold them all!
Published on August 22, 2010 By lordkosc In War of Magic

So as I did for my previous favorite game SoaSE, I'll be scouring the web for Elemental reviews and posting them here. That way there will be a single location where we can navigate to all the reviews of the game, for easy reference.

If you happen to find one I don't post, leave a comment below it in the following format:

  1. Site Name
  2. Score
  3. WWW Link

I hope this will be made sticky by someone from SD like my previous thread was in SoaSE.  


Metacritic Average


English Reviews:








BIG Download

Verdict: Must Own




6 / 10








4 / 10




2 / 5




6.5 / 10





Rock, Paper, Shotgun

""At the moment, I think “unfinished” is too harsh a phrase. I’d lean towards “a bit shoddy”.""







PC Gamer

70 / 100



G4  X-Play





No score at this time.



1 UP





"I guarantee it's not going to be like anything you'll read from any other reviewer."




"Elemental is still 2-3 patches away from being ready for prime time.  When and if those patches are done, Elemental has the potential to be one of those few games that stays on your computer for years as a fun gaming experience."
















Non-English Reviews:














Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 28, 2010

here's a link to the RPGwatch review.

It's a pretty good one, really. He clearly put some effort into writing that one.

on Aug 28, 2010

This one: http://www.zonejeu.info/2010/08/test-elemental-war-of-magic.html

still in French is more positive but doesn't give a rating.


Elemental : War of Magic est un titre avec un énorme potentiel développé par un petit studio qui n'a malheureusement pas pu attendre d'avoir terminé son jeu pour le sortir. Le résultat en est un incroyable gâchi, une mine d'or d'idées et de concepts rassemblés dans un univers intéressants et couverts par un style graphique original, qui se retrouvent complètement gâchés par des bugs omniprésents et un manque d'accessibilité qui le réserveront au plus persévérant. Elemental avait le potentiel pour concurrencer Civilization V, et a râté le coche. Nous restons optimistes en espérant que Stardock règle les problèmes dans les semaines à venir, mais on vous conseille tout de même d'attendre plus de nouvelles avant de vous lancer.

Elemental : War of Magic is a title with enormous potential developped by a small studio which unfortunately couldn't wait to have finished thier game before releasing it. the result is an incredible mess, a gold mine of ideas and concepts assembled in an interesting universe and given an original graphical style, which are totally spoiled by bugs and a lack of accessibility which restrict it to the most persevering. Elemental had the ppotential to compete with Civilization V, and missed. We reamin optimistic hoping that Stardock fixes the issues in the weeks to come, but we still advise you to wait for more news before picking it.

on Aug 28, 2010

Excellent translation LDiCesare you got it spot on. thumbs up!


on Aug 28, 2010

How did 1UP play multiplayer when it isn't even ENABLED!  The screen shots are all taken from this website.


Umm, is there a pirated version that has multiplayer LAN or something?  The facts don't add up.

on Aug 28, 2010

How did 1UP play multiplayer when it isn't even ENABLED!  The screen shots are all taken from this website.


Umm, is there a pirated version that has multiplayer LAN or something?  The facts don't add up.

yup, I was reading the review even though I find 1ups reviews more comedy then anythign else...

And what do I see in the review?? They mention Multiplayer.. like you can play it! hahaha.

How can you play multiplayer when its not even up yet? lmoa, fail review is fail.

on Aug 28, 2010

I would think fans would enjoy the 1up review. He gives it a C+ rating when his words, what he actually wrote, is clearly something more like D, not much good to say at all. I don't think the reviewers have special copies. If they bother to mention multiplayer at all, the other reviewers have mentioned it doesn't work right now.

on Aug 28, 2010


Quoting RogueCaptain, reply 79How did 1UP play multiplayer when it isn't even ENABLED!  The screen shots are all taken from this website.


Umm, is there a pirated version that has multiplayer LAN or something?  The facts don't add up.
yup, I was reading the review even though I find 1ups reviews more comedy then anythign else...

And what do I see in the review?? They mention Multiplayer.. like you can play it! hahaha.

How can you play multiplayer when its not even up yet? lmoa, fail review is fail.


Failure to read where we already discussed how this is possible (in this same thread) is also fail.

on Aug 28, 2010

Failure to comprehend that the reviewer was making it up as he went along is also fail.

on Aug 29, 2010

I have returned, will update the list today.

on Aug 30, 2010

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has their "impressions" up.  There's no score, and from the conclusion it doesn't sound like they will be doing a standard review:

Generally speaking, I’m a little conflicted. On one hand, the game doesn’t have enough structure to understand whether my decisions are wise or bloody stupid. I don’t know if I’m doing well or badly, and that I don’t know how to upgrade troops – and, c’mon! There surely must be a way to just give these dudes who have decent XP a better spear, yeah? – implies I’m missing much. On the other hand, playing standardly and walking the map without a real threat, ignoring the mass of spells in favour of the army-destroying chain-lightning and all that… well, I’m not sure how much I need to learn now. There’s the possibility that Elemental is a complex game that doesn’t explain itself which you don’t need to understand to win. And, for a strategy game, that’s the worst of both worlds. The missing link is the AI. If we get to the famously brutal Galactic Civilization style of AI, then players will have to engage with the system at a high level to succeed… which will just leave the game’s problem being one of explaining itself how to achieve that high level of skill.

We don’t have any of that now and, as such, I’m stepping away from it.

He did recommend people pick up AoW:SM instead, so you couldn't really add this one to the plus column.

on Aug 30, 2010

Updated, thanks Tridus!

on Aug 30, 2010

"So, is it all a disaster? Well, the A.I. problems are fixed to some degree by the robust multiplayer (if you can find friends willing to slog through the ugliest visuals since finger-painting class) [Editor's Note: At the time of the game's release, no multiplayer options were available. However, once those features are available, the author wants to clarify that they should mitigate any problems he encountered with the game's current A.I.]."


^^ This is why I dont take reviews seriously... ever... The dude talks about multiplayer when its not even out yet! lmao what a loser.

on Aug 30, 2010

"So, is it all a disaster? Well, the A.I. problems are fixed to some degree by the robust multiplayer (if you can find friends willing to slog through the ugliest visuals since finger-painting class) [Editor's Note: At the time of the game's release, no multiplayer options were available. However, once those features are available, the author wants to clarify that they should mitigate any problems he encountered with the game's current A.I.]."


^^ This is why I dont take reviews seriously... ever... The dude talks about multiplayer when its not even out yet! lmao what a loser.

He posted a response about that, actually. His badly worded point was that once it's up, MP will make up for the AI issues somewhat. I'm not sure about that, but he wasn't trying to say that he was playing MP.

on Aug 30, 2010

Neoseeker's review is up too. 9/10, editors choice. This one is so positive it's hard to figure out how all the reviewers are all talking about the same game (actually reminds me of the forums some ). Here's my favorite quote:

The sandbox mode is the heart of the game, and it's a freakin' blast

on Aug 30, 2010

Neoseeker's review is up too. 9/10, editors choice. This one is so positive it's hard to figure out how all the reviewers are all talking about the same game (actually reminds me of the forums some ). Here's my favorite quote:

The sandbox mode is the heart of the game, and it's a freakin' blast

He's reviewing:

For the record, everything to follow is based on version 1.06 -- one version after the day 0 patch and packing mostly bugfixes and balance changes. Now that all that's out of the way...


Which is interesting. I don't know that the other reviewers mention the version much.

edit: I also see a picture of a dragon in their screenshots. Are dragons in the game, because someone told me they were not or were being removed. I forget which?

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