Random craziness from my brain, oh and stuff about games I play on Impulse and Steam.
One thread to hold them all!
Published on August 22, 2010 By lordkosc In War of Magic

So as I did for my previous favorite game SoaSE, I'll be scouring the web for Elemental reviews and posting them here. That way there will be a single location where we can navigate to all the reviews of the game, for easy reference.

If you happen to find one I don't post, leave a comment below it in the following format:

  1. Site Name
  2. Score
  3. WWW Link

I hope this will be made sticky by someone from SD like my previous thread was in SoaSE.  


Metacritic Average


English Reviews:








BIG Download

Verdict: Must Own




6 / 10








4 / 10




2 / 5




6.5 / 10





Rock, Paper, Shotgun

""At the moment, I think “unfinished” is too harsh a phrase. I’d lean towards “a bit shoddy”.""







PC Gamer

70 / 100



G4  X-Play





No score at this time.



1 UP





"I guarantee it's not going to be like anything you'll read from any other reviewer."




"Elemental is still 2-3 patches away from being ready for prime time.  When and if those patches are done, Elemental has the potential to be one of those few games that stays on your computer for years as a fun gaming experience."
















Non-English Reviews:














Comments (Page 7)
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on Aug 30, 2010

i come back to Gamekult in french who puts a 3/10.

QUOTE : 'complètement déséquilibré (il faudra une armée d'unités de corps à corps pour éliminer ne serait-ce qu'un mage)'

= completly unbalanced ( you will need an army of soldiers to simply kill 1 mage)...


That's absurd, i really don't know where the writter saw this.I think he wasn't playing the same game...

1 more time reviews sucks anyway.

on Aug 30, 2010


on Aug 30, 2010

i come back to Gamekult in french who puts a 3/10.

QUOTE : 'complètement déséquilibré (il faudra une armée d'unités de corps à corps pour éliminer ne serait-ce qu'un mage)'

= completly unbalanced ( you will need an army of soldiers to simply kill 1 mage)...


That's absurd, i really don't know where the writter saw this.I think he wasn't playing the same game...

1 more time reviews sucks anyway.

What on earth was that reviewer playing? Im begining to think some of these reviewers have pirated versions or something.

First 1up reviewer cant see the ALERTS after every unit and building is finished.. and now this dude cant kill a mage?? Come on now.. Ive killed mages with one or two units.. he cant do it with a huge group?

on Aug 30, 2010

Well it's in French but here is the link : http://www.gamekult.com/tout/jeux/fiches/J000093507_test.html.

So 3/10 for a a guy who either just look 1 mn in the game or just read what someone else wrote somewhere.That's my only explanation.

on Aug 30, 2010


Quoting katalist, reply 87"So, is it all a disaster? Well, the A.I. problems are fixed to some degree by the robust multiplayer (if you can find friends willing to slog through the ugliest visuals since finger-painting class) [Editor's Note: At the time of the game's release, no multiplayer options were available. However, once those features are available, the author wants to clarify that they should mitigate any problems he encountered with the game's current A.I.]."


^^ This is why I dont take reviews seriously... ever... The dude talks about multiplayer when its not even out yet! lmao what a loser.

He posted a response about that, actually. His badly worded point was that once it's up, MP will make up for the AI issues somewhat. I'm not sure about that, but he wasn't trying to say that he was playing MP.

Ok thats fine.. but what about him saying there is NO ALERTS WHEN YOU FINISH TRAINING UNITS OR BUILDINGS?

Thats ridicolous.. the first thing I saw when i started this game up (after building a city and making some units/buildings, was I saw the NOTICE/ALERTS about what has been made...

This dude says its not in the game or that he didnt notice them? How can you say something is not in the game when it is? There are alerts when you make stuf.. in all the versions... makes no sense to me for reviewers to complain about things when they are actually in the game if they look hard enough!

on Aug 30, 2010

Wow, that Neoseeker review comes off like a sale pitch or an overly enthusiastic pamphlet.

I'm glad the "reviewer" liked it, but not a single mention of the bland and gimpy magic system, ridiculously ineffectual champions, dearth of unit choices, lack of meaningful faction differences, broken combat mechanics and so on.

on Aug 30, 2010

Wow, that Neoseeker review comes off like a sale pitch or an overly enthusiastic pamphlet.

I'm glad the "reviewer" liked it, but not a single mention of the bland and gimpy magic system, ridiculously ineffectual champions, dearth of unit choices, lack of meaningful faction differences, broken combat mechanics and so on.


Ruined your day huh?

on Aug 30, 2010


Quoting Dethedrus, reply 96Wow, that Neoseeker review comes off like a sale pitch or an overly enthusiastic pamphlet.

I'm glad the "reviewer" liked it, but not a single mention of the bland and gimpy magic system, ridiculously ineffectual champions, dearth of unit choices, lack of meaningful faction differences, broken combat mechanics and so on.


Ruined your day huh?


Nope just seems odd in comparison to the other reviews and the reactions of this site's own fans and posters.


I understand though, we are only allowed to challenge bad reviews as being written by tools of some shadow gaming conspiracy and absurdly high outliers must be accepted as gospel.

on Aug 30, 2010


Quoting Rune_74,
reply 97

Quoting Dethedrus, reply 96Wow, that Neoseeker review comes off like a sale pitch or an overly enthusiastic pamphlet.

I'm glad the "reviewer" liked it, but not a single mention of the bland and gimpy magic system, ridiculously ineffectual champions, dearth of unit choices, lack of meaningful faction differences, broken combat mechanics and so on.


Ruined your day huh?


Nope just seems odd in comparison to the other reviews and the reactions of this site's own fans and posters.


I understand though, we are only allowed to challenge bad reviews as being written by tools of some shadow gaming conspiracy and absurdly high outliers must be accepted as gospel.


Nah, I don't agree its a 9 game, I just like getting you mouth foaming fanatics angry:)

on Aug 30, 2010

Nah, I don't agree its a 9 game, I just like getting you mouth foaming fanatics angry:)

Honestly, I was more trying to suppress guffaws while I read it...  so outside of the immorality of turning in such a non-review (thus lying to his boss about work done and deceiving the buying public as to gamebreaking issues) I appreciate the inherent comedy.

Then again, given your aggressive response, is it possible you were said reviewer Rune?  If so, good game...  you got a chuckle outta me.

on Aug 30, 2010

Just for the record, RPS, along with Tom Chick, are probably the two most honest and compelling gaming journalism sites in the business today. They take their jobs and their roles as journalists seriously and treat the subject with some degree of integrity.  RPS will never give a numerical score, and they will never even do a review--what they will do is cover their experience with the game over different lengths of time for a number of weeks, beginning with a "first impressions" and ending with a kind of "here's what I think."  They usually include some "let's play..." kind of material in the interim.


This is why I only ever bother with these two sites any more.

on Aug 30, 2010

Neoseeker's review is up too. 9/10, editors choice. This one is so positive it's hard to figure out how all the reviewers are all talking about the same game
It looks like rossanderson's true identity has been revealed!

on Aug 30, 2010

It looks like rossanderson's true identity has been revealed!

Wait are you suggesting that Rune_74 and Rossanderson48 are the same person?



on Aug 30, 2010


Quoting surlybob, reply 102It looks like rossanderson's true identity has been revealed!
Wait are you suggesting that Rune_74 and Rossanderson48 are the same person?

Let's just say that I'd like to see one of them post while the other is drinking a glass of water! (I keed, I keed)

on Aug 30, 2010

Again though remember a review is only an opinion and we ALL have different opinions. This is why I never take much stock in reviews. Now if alot of reviews give something a SUPER low score I will approach with caution, but at the same time there have been a few games that places like IGN gave 6's or 7's that I found to be enjoyable and worth the money to play through.

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