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Girls that play RTS?
Published on February 22, 2007 By
Everything Else
I've dated a few gamer girls and I hang out with a few and chat with a few online. What really puzzels me is that none of them play RTS games, does anyone else see this as strange? I am guessing the whole sci-fi war thing is what turns them off...
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Mighty Mongoose
on Feb 22, 2007
I know several girls (wow, its weird putting them in a category like that, like they're a separate group) who play RTS's but none of them are sci-fi strategies, mostly bog standard WW2 era stuff though.
Funny story, I was horribly killed playing Halo 2 the other day, seriously, a cracking shot straight through a crowded room got me right in the temple, perfect headshot, ultimate skill, and over the intercom came a female voice...dammit...does this make them better gamers than us*?
nope, guys rule, end of story
on Feb 22, 2007
Morgan from X-play is hot.
just thought that I'd throw that in there.
on Feb 22, 2007
Well i lived with a girl for 3 years, who played Warcraft 2/3, Starcraft, Settlers 3, civilisation 2.
Her favorit was diablo 2, she was the paladin and i was the Amazone archer (thats where i made the name Multianna, since the amazon could shot multi arrows)
In settlers 2, i had to loss a few times to make her keep playing
But in civilisation 2, she kick my ... so much hehe.
But in general, i think girls dont like playing games at all...
btw how you guys seen the Battlestations: Midway Sneak Peek on gamespot?
In the studio there was 2 ppl who played the demo, 1 of them was a girl, and she wiped his base in notime haha.
So if girls starts to play more, do we guys need to feel threatened?
btw2 Blair said in another tread. That they had a girl playing sins and she was quite good
on Feb 22, 2007
generally most girls have an extreme aversion to video games, it's a "guy thing".
but the girls that do play are usually extremely skilled... and scary...
so I think it attracts the really skilled girls, which is why we get dominated.
on Feb 23, 2007
I believe it really depends on the genre...if more games like the Sims, Singles, Glory of the roman Empire etc were released (games with human interaction, society simulation) more girls would play...the market has been too much oriented on warfare and boys/men
generally most girls have an extreme aversion to blood and violence
Mighty Mongoose
on Feb 23, 2007
so I think it attracts the really skilled girls, which is why we get dominated
Don't let them distract you with their feminine wiles!
We seem to be presenting a very one sided point of view...girls are to be feared, what are we, nerds*? Remember, the bigger they are the harder they fall, in a male vs female game of Capture the flag in Halo 2, we came out on top (barely(I take all the credit
Maybe they're no better than us but we just get surprised when a girl pulls off a distinctly amazing move in a game that we blow it out of proportion because we are not used to it.
on Feb 23, 2007
Well I've yet to get my butt kicked in any online game by any girl... at least to my knowledge. My EX used to play the sims 2 all the time but not many other PC games, thats why I was wondering what everyone else's thoughts were.
I get my ass kicked by my female boss at work enough, I fear the day I will get it kicked online too...
I warn you all now, my little niece plays her DS and Wii daily. She seems to like that advanced wars game and animal crossing.
She will be an uber gamer girl one day, and we shall all be pwned much by her leet skillz, at that time I'll resort to playing solitaire against my computer... I guess.
Mighty Mongoose
on Feb 23, 2007
am guessing the whole sci-fi war thing is what turns them off
It's a weird thing with sci-fi, it seems to be going into a bit of a recession in America, with SG-1 and Enterprise being canned, BSG's ratings dipping (now going up again, phew) Lost's ratings dropping etc etc while it seems to be entering sort of a renaissance in the UK, with the return of Doctor Who after 16 years, it is fashionable again, and all other networks are starting their own homebrewed sci-fi, Doctor Who gots its first spin off (
) after just two seasons of the renewed series which must be a record or something.
warn you all now, my little niece plays her DS and Wii daily
Fortunately I can still beat my twelve year old cousins (twins) on the 360 as well as PS2 and PC, but I have noticed I need to work harder and harder for every victory.
My mother can actually beat me at Worms, every time. >Hangs head in shame<
I kick her a$$ at Halo though.
I think
sums up the mother/son gaming relationship well.
on Feb 23, 2007
girls are to be feared
girls are to be revered!
your damn straight.
and proud of it.
warn you all now, my little niece plays her DS and Wii daily. She seems to like that advanced wars game and animal crossing. She will be an uber gamer girl one day, and we shall all be pwned much by her leet skillz
it is destiny
its in her blood!
BDU Akito
on Feb 23, 2007
girls play and a lot but no rts, they play fps or sims or a lot of nintendo gay games.(real men play with rts or rgp
on Feb 23, 2007
A lot of girls I know have very good reflexes, it gets very annoying trying to beet them in shooter games sometimes.
However, in starategy games, from what I have seen they get a little too bored and frustrated sometimes to really appreciate the game.
on Feb 23, 2007
There are a couple of gamerchicks in HG. They play Homeworld. And they're both good.
on Feb 24, 2007
I have been playing with girls in various gaming clans, and tend to see some playing strategy games like Warcraft, Dawn of War, Homeworld, etc. On the other hand, considering how perverted some males can be, would you really announce yourself as a girl in a game?
There was more then a few instances in some clans where I had to punish members for harassing the female members. Of course, cannot handle those that figure out outside the clans, which sometimes forces them to change names and hide their sex.
on Feb 24, 2007
Girls cant find the directions to the enemy base - they suck at rts!
on Feb 28, 2007
Yah, there are lots of girls that are awesome at games, even RTSs. But what I don't understand is why my dog won't play them. He's a straight-up hardcore FPSer. Even puzzle games, occasionally when they involve food, but never RTS. What gives?
I figured dogs/space games would be a great match, after all, they were up in space before we were
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