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Girls that play RTS?
Published on February 22, 2007 By
Everything Else
I've dated a few gamer girls and I hang out with a few and chat with a few online. What really puzzels me is that none of them play RTS games, does anyone else see this as strange? I am guessing the whole sci-fi war thing is what turns them off...
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on Feb 28, 2007
Yeah, P5y, but the girls DO pull over and ask for directions
as for girl gamers, dated one some year and a half ago, and she would kick my ass in Quake3 about 2 out of 3 times. (which would lead to me being rediculed at every lan party), then again, i'd beat her with just about every tactical shooter (close call) and RTS (massacre).
why? I guess the FPS thing is reflexes, and the tactical thing is the male brain being more apt at finding your way (hunting wooly mammoths and such)
as for RTS, I'm guessing guys play them because we like them, becuase we're naturally good at them (hunting mammoth mk2's and such)
Now what we need is a gril RTS player to totally tear that argument to shreds. I still can't stand loosing to a girl with any game (or sport i do) call it a macho male thing.
ps, I can beat my ex in Quake3 now though. MEN RULE
on Feb 28, 2007
whats interesting is that study indicates a severe difference in the psyche of men and women.
supposedly men are very tunnelminded, narrow and focused on one particular objective, wheras women are more wholeminded. which is interesting and in blatant contradiction to our RTS // FPS comparison.
on Feb 28, 2007
Its not one thing or the other, theres always a mix of the general characteristics. Womes nerves are even wired differently. They can pick certain frequencies of sound better than men, and generally their reflexes are faster in needed situations, as well as the fact that they have greater adreniline storage.
Yes, I guess we are different
on Feb 28, 2007
but the wholemindedness theory would lend itself towards women being better at RTSs. I know myself that I make really stupid errors in leaving one gap open thats easily exploited.
and besides, what does sound frequencies have to do with it...
as well as the fact that they have greater adreniline storage.
yes, but males release faster and get a far larger jolt out of it.
on Mar 02, 2007
Yes, men and women are very different.
Thank God for that!
Mighty Mongoose
on Mar 02, 2007
but the wholemindedness theory would lend itself towards women being better at RTSs
I suppose you could look at it like RTS games can involve singular objectives, gather resources and storm enemy base and thus
more male suited, whereas as in an FPS you need to quickly gauge the layout of your environment (which is what tribal women did, scout the local area for firewood) and analyse cover/angles etc. I guess men are better at games where there is something specific to kill/defend, whereas as women could be better at FPS due to their ability to take in an environment quickly.
It may also be because that though men are narrow minded, we are very tactical, I doubt our tribal forebears would have charged a wooly mammoth without a plan of attack.
That's one way to look at it.
It is however a fact that men think in distance and direction, and thus may conceivably be better at RTS related things, like directing armies etc, whereas women take into account landmarks and remember places (cover, snipe spots) better.
on Mar 02, 2007
Yes, men and women are very different.
saves us the confusion in looking for dates. (does anyone other than yours truly find the similarity between "date" and "mate" to be odd...)
I suppose you could look at it like RTS games can involve singular objectives, gather resources and storm enemy base and thus are more male suited
what sucks is that most games are designed such. rather than the better, more interesting strategy base.
It is however a fact that men think in distance and direction, and thus may conceivably be better at RTS related things, like directing armies etc, whereas women take into account landmarks and remember places (cover, snipe spots) better.
or maybe all of this has NOTHING to do with any of it!
Mighty Mongoose
on Mar 02, 2007
what sucks is that most games are designed such.
I suppose we'd (men) also be good at the more economic/management games (Sins), of which I'm assuming your more "interesting strategy base" refers to, because we tend to think very analytically and logically (any women reading this can keep their snide remarks to themselves its true), and thus will be better at moving money around as well as organising battles. Women are slightly more...scatter brained (sorry girls) in that they think of multiple scenarios at once (like dual core threading) and attempt to plan ahead, thus they have much less focus which is a disadvantage in things like GC2 (sorry Carielf) and, I'm assuming, Sins.
or maybe all of this has NOTHING to do with any of it!
Sure you say that but every girl I've played at SupCom I've beaten hands down, I actually feel embarassed for them >smug<. Normally this is because their army is disorganised and ends up charging at me, whereas I like to step back, and examine more surgical, less obvious routes to take. One particular game my opponent seemed to demonstrate a lack of knowledge to exactly how long it would take for her army to go all the way round the edge of the map, instead of just cutting across water. In a three way game, the male players attacks on my base were more successful because of greater cohesion and tactics, whereas the female opponent just threw things at me and hoped for the best.
on Mar 02, 2007
Sure you say that but every girl I've played at SupCom I've beaten hands down,
maybe you just spend too much time.
I actually feel embarassed for them >smug<. Normally this is because their army is disorganised and ends up charging at me, whereas I like to step back, and examine more surgical, less obvious routes to take. One particular game my opponent seemed to demonstrate a lack of knowledge to exactly how long it would take for her army to go all the way round the edge of the map, instead of just cutting across water. In a three way game, the male players attacks on my base were more successful because of greater cohesion and tactics
the question is is it causation or simply corrolation?
perhaps women just play less. maybe its that they just dont like RTSs for whatever reason.
then again, it could be because of whatever cognitive differences.
on Mar 02, 2007
Well yesterday on my day off, I tried to get my girlfriend to play the new CnC3 demo, she did pretty good and beat the Easy AI in skirmish playing as the CGI, but she didn't seem too interested in it over all, she sorta liked the single player story, so my hope is once I get the game and let her try the single player story she'll get addicted.
on Mar 04, 2007
Chikens have had at least one (maybe two) girl HW players and several Mechwarrior players although one was BSing supposedly. I would guess Blizzard has probably attracted more women to its RTSes with their narrative elements than most.
on Apr 21, 2008
Maybe I'm gay (this might be a bigger suprise to me than it would be to some of my more sarcastic opponents), but I do not think that girls are that much different. They do not play RTS's because we do not make them like we should.
on Apr 21, 2008
I wish most girls would acutally sit down with their man or whom ever they are with and at least try a game or two. Who knows they might find it likable!
on May 05, 2008
My mother can actually beat me at Worms, every time. >Hangs head in shame<
Hehe class I was never any good at worms either. On a side note I think that forum avator you are using is smart Mongoose, not sure what its from? Cool though
on May 05, 2008
Wait a minute...girls play video games? When did this happen?! *gets out from under rock*
I don't understand the aversion to games that most girls have. Unfortunately, I've never met a girl I find attractive and within driving distance who was into games or other not-so-typical-for-a-girl stuff. I've especially never met an RTS-playing girl. The one gamer-girl that I met via online channels a few years ago joined me cooperatively on some FPS games and it was a ton of fun.
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