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Girls that play RTS?
Published on February 22, 2007 By
Everything Else
I've dated a few gamer girls and I hang out with a few and chat with a few online. What really puzzels me is that none of them play RTS games, does anyone else see this as strange? I am guessing the whole sci-fi war thing is what turns them off...
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on May 14, 2008
I don't see why it really matters one way or the other, really.
I mean, if you were playing a more social game and you got along with girls better, perhaps. But otherwise..who cares?
on May 14, 2008
The head of GEN's site was a pretty good Kohan player. (Aktrez)
on May 22, 2008
my girlfriend liked it when I introduced her to starcraft, totalwar series.. but she prefered sins because of the more in depth display of the UI (she's not good at rts because she has no skill with a keyboard and mouse, she's used to playstation controls
but when we play heroes 3 or 5... I get my ass kicked no contest lol, she rules at tbs
on May 23, 2008
The stereotype is broken, and it's becoming far less "odd" in any way to encounter women involved in gaming or other geek passions. Soon enough, it won't be a consideration whatsoever, and that will be a great day.
I can only hope you're right. I've never found it in RTS games, but for FPSs, the attitude of some guys towards myself and my female friends can be quite.. disturbing at times. I'm glad that doesn't happen too often though.
There are quite afew girls/women online though. It just depends on the game. And I know I tend to keep quiet in case of any idiots playing (who have a vendetta against me because I'm female
), so people assume I'm a guy.
Never tried dating a gamer girl though..
on May 23, 2008
I can only hope you're right. I've never found it in RTS games, but for FPSs, the attitude of some guys towards myself and my female friends can be quite.. disturbing at times. I'm glad that doesn't happen too often though.
There are quite afew girls/women online though. It just depends on the game. And I know I tend to keep quiet in case of any idiots playing (who have a vendetta against me because I'm female ), so people assume I'm a guy.
Never tried dating a gamer girl though..
thats cause most of the people who play FPS are around 12 or disparate
and now that u have let your self be known as a chick beware of mass PMs
on May 23, 2008
Two weeks ago i got my girlfriend to play Sins... i haven't played Sins in two weeks.
She is really good with Vasari... she had 100 ravastra and 4 Kortuls before the comp on hard could get even 3 caps and 30 frigs.
on May 23, 2008
Wow. I must be liked blessed because I have 2 girls at my school who play RTSs. I have spent alot of time playing them in multi player in C&C Generals, C&C Tiberium Wars, and if I can convince them Sins too. But it is weird, I don't think I really treat them like girls anymore. I treat them like my guy friends who happen not to have the male equipment.
on May 24, 2008
I think everyone's thinking about this the wrong way. It's not that girls are any better at them, it's that they like them because they're good at them. I've found that most boys (like myself) will buy a game and throw themselves at the AI consecutively losing for hours having fun and making progress on their skill as well as enjoying games that they honestly suck at, while the girls I've played with only like to play the games that they're particularly good at, which tends to be intuitive games like FPS rather than RTS/strategy. Coupled up with an innate female aversion to videogames, it turns out that most girls will never try them or like them while the few incredibly skilled gamers will pick it up and play. After all, what seems simpler to understand?
"Now move the right stick to aim, and shoot with R."
"All right now, get its population development up to three and build as many extractors as you can. Wait until you have enough to build a capital ship factory and build the free colony capital ship, build a fighter squadron and choose the colonize ability, then go to the nearest asteroid/ice/fire planet, then simultaneously target the same neutral ship with the capital ship and the squadron, and then do that for every single other ship there. Once that's done, colonize the planet and do what you did to the first one minus the capital ship factory. Now, moving on to step 2-17......."
For me, it's more fun to do something challenging until I'm good at it and make it harder again rather than to do something easy that tests me in how long I can play.
on May 25, 2008
damn straight i'm a girl that plays RTS's!
on May 25, 2008
damn straight i'm a girl that plays RTS's!
good to see some grls take interest in gal civ
can i get your number
on May 25, 2008
I myself am not a girl but I know several girls that play RTS games as well as various video game genres. One of which happens to be my wife...
on May 25, 2008
I know a girl who plays Civ3 and 4. She likes the hotseat mode of play, but I have known her to play the computer also.I also know she likes Champions for ps2, she has played a elf cleric past level 50. Her fav seems to be sims2 , she has all the updates. Sims kick my butt every time . I keep getting killed cooking. I am still trying to get her to play gal civ 2 thou. She does like other things not gaming like cruising on our motercycle when we can get a baby sitter and -------wait,have to wrap this up she says its time for bed. Ya I married her, good night all.
on May 26, 2008
I've known a couple girls that played starcraft and some wc3 and were actually fairly decent looking. I've also met a few that played counter-strike and some COD4.
And the biggest female-playing game that i know of is DEFINITELY world of warcraft. I know over a dozen girls, from ugly to very tasty that play WOW. And contrary to what I thought would happen, their characters spanned horde and alliance, healing and dps. I figured chicks would all be Night elf priests or druids.
The hottest girl I ever dated played a ton of console fighting games. I'd usually win half the time. Then I would take her clothes off. But that's another story altogether. We had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
on Jun 01, 2008
My wife played red alert 2 (RTS, still good now even with it's dated graphics) all the time, and also really liked Caesar 3 (even more dated, but some great gameplay and decent graphics if you don't mind it not being 3d), managing to do better than me on that (I'd usually become bored 3/4 of the way through the campaign+stop, and then go back and start from the beginning a year or so later). On the other hand she found games like Halo a bit boring, and has never really been into the whole FPS type games.
So yes, some girls do play RTS's!
on Jun 01, 2008
Two of the top-selling computer games of all time? Sims series and World of Warcraft.
Expanding your target demographic from 12-24 year old males to everyone with a computer can't hurt too much I guess. In each case, the player can identify with someone. In the Sims, you're basically playing with a dollhouse. Yes guys, you are finally playing with dolls, making up stories, and acting them out.
In WoW, it's all about social interaction. Sure you can get to level 70 solo, but if you want to do something as simple as a good instance run, better networking skills=better experience. My wife is a WoW gamer. Probably one of the top 100 warlocks in the world. Certainly in the top 250. She was dragged into the statistics part kicking and screaming all the way- by a friend who *was* a total stats geek. Then she got into the server-first guild, courtesy of another friend she made. Then she became a class officer, mainly by presenting a mature, calm and intelligent alternative to a bunch of college guys.
RTS though? There's no way to identify with the game in most cases. Jim Raynor and Kerrigan from Starcraft is about as close as you get. RPGs? Identification is built in. MMORPG? You are your character. Make friends to advance. Casual games? Well, they're casual. Who needs to make a connection to pick up Guitar Hero, fiddle with the controller, and rock your heart out on Easy mode? Even better, get a few friends over. Your fingers get tired after a bit and it's more fun to get offline friends involved.
Until that connection problem is bridged, you won't see a lot of females playing RTS games. It's going to be a serious challenge for game developers.
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